A Timeline of Bryan Cranston’s Transformation

The final stretch of Breaking Bad is set to air as of August 11th. What awaits Vince Gilligan and crew following the final episode? Perhaps a Saul Goodman spin-off series? We’re admittedly a little more interested in what happens immediately following Hank’s toilet epiphany.

Regardless of what happens, we know the moment will be bittersweet. Before we say goodbye to our favorite show on television, we’re making a shameless plug with a timeline of Bryan Cranston’s transformation. It’s been a pretty crazy journey beginning with Preparation H and ending with a hat no one else should ever try to pull off.

Before Breaking Bad, Cranston had ass problems,

bryan cranston preparation h

cameos on Seinfeld,

and goofy golfing lessons on Malcolm in the Middle.

bryan cranston malcolm in the middle

He was a general sports enthusiast, really,

brian cranston baseball

and a speed walker of sorts.

But then shit got real.

bryan cranston breaking bad

Starting below the waist,

breaking bad heisenberg

to the top of the chrome dome.

jessie pinkman

Becoming a drug lord is difficult work,

let alone one of the best shows on television,

Bryan Cranston hollywood walk

but it certainly does have its perks.


You still need to take the edge off,

bryan cranston cosplay

by totally fucking with your fans at Comic Con.

bryan cranston comic con


Thanks for reading my very masturbatory Bryan Cranston post. Viewing party in my living room this August, you guys.

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