Organize Your Home and Life For the New Year

A new year is a time to declutter and organize your life along with your home. Patience and motivation is the key to any successful decluttering project. To help you stay focused, make a plan that you can stick to and break up your tasks into sections. A fresh new start to a new year can be accomplished by organizing your home and is a great way to start decluttering your life. Here are some simple tips to help you get started.


Just like with any project, the best thing you can do is plan and be prepared for it. Start with a list of things you want to accomplish, a list of things you need and even organize the plan based on what you need to do in each room. Stock up on boxes to sort things in and even hire a dumpster to get rid of all the trash. Sort things into different piles such as trash, recycling, things to keep, things to fix or things to donate.


Bathrooms might be the easiest room in the home to organize because there isn’t many things to organize! Start with your medicine cabinet then move on to your drawers and then under the sink. Also, don’t forget any cabinets you have in your bathroom. Discard any old medications properly, store your cleaning supplies and organize your toiletries.  This is also a great time to deep clean your bathroom for the new year!


Your bedroom is going to take some time to declutter, but it is well worth it. Go through your drawers, closets and nightstand. Make sure you are getting rid of things that are of no longer use. This includes going through your clothes! Donate any items that are still in good condition that you no longer wear. Also, take the time to deep clean your room, wash your sheets and clean all of the windows.


The kitchen should be easy to organize since it is usually already in good shape. But the near year is a good time to declutter and throw out food, get rid of dishes and organize utensils. Go through your refrigerator and throw out things that are expired. Do this with your cabinets as well. When it comes to your dishes, don’t forget to take the time to organize your Tupperware! You also want to use this time to deep clean your fridge and other appliances, especially if you don’t use them often.


Your hallway closets and cabinets can always use a good declutter. Take advantage of these spots and use them to store towels, cleaning products or whatever you would like. The new year is a great time to organize these closets and cabinets. This is a way to make room for the new by getting rid of the old.

As we mentioned before, make sure you are discarding your things properly. Recycle the things you can and throw away the trash. And keep in mind that there are many things you can donate and there are many places you can donate these items to.

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