3 Things You Aren’t Doing Guaranteed to Improve Your Morning

I am not a morning person. A rare breed in itself, morning people are the type who can hop right out of bed and greet the world with a smile. I, on the other hand, cannot function without coffee made my way, breakfast I can eat in one hand and a little peace and quiet.

While I don’t think I’ll ever become a morning person, there’s three things I’ve found that help me feel as close as I’ll ever possibly get. Check it out,

Use Face Moisturizer

You know how people (rudely) wake up their sleeping mates with a splash of cool water to the face? Face moisturizer works a bit the same way, only a whole lot more pleasant and voluntary. Add this to your morning routine and you’ll feel reinvigorated with the added benefit of a healthier looking face.

Use a Better Alarm Clock

Public enemy number one, the alarm clock. While it might be too little too late to start a loving relationship here, there are some options that can make things a little more civil.

Place your alarm clock further from the bed, force yourself out each morning. Pressing the snooze button repeatedly can actually make you feel less rested. If you have a smartphone, consider purchasing an app that allows you to choose ambient sounds or music as an alarm.

Do Simple Stretches

Get your resting body reacquainted with the world by performing some simple stretches. Trouble spots you’ll want to address are your neck, back and legs – areas that get tangled up over the course of sleep. A little movement goes a long way in terms of facing the day.

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